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Association of Active People is an organization located in Lodz, Poland.
For the Association, the main statutory activities are: non-formal education, promotion of active and safe lifestyles among youth and seniors, intergenerational cooperation, inclusion of disadvantaged groups, especially seniors. Through our activities we want to show youth and seniors alternative ways to spend their free time and give them the opportunity to integrate and exchange experiences. Our activities promote the ideas of tolerance, partnership and diversity. We actively involve people from impoverished families and people with disabilities in our activities to ensure equal opportunities. The main goal of the Association is to promote personal development, environmentally active lifestyles, hobbies and the idea of tolerance in life and volunteer activities. In addition, we want to develop the skills and interests of young people and promote pro-ecological and pro-social attitudes. We also carry out activities in such areas as cultural integration of youth. We try to encourage young people to participate in the life of the local community and to develop their interests.

Darnoye is a non-governmental organization established in Lithuania.
The organization provides various trainings and seminars on topics such as personal development, self-confidence, communication, ecology, healthy living, financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and survival skills. The main goal is to make participants more aware, social, ecological, healthier and confident. It conducts 5-7 trainings a year, teaching about 120-140 participants through informal education and experiential learning methods. Some of the organization’s main goals and missions are: to breed new leaders, to break down barriers between cultures and people, to promote non-formal learning as a means of self-improvement, to share knowledge, experiences and good practices, to provide challenging cross-cultural learning experiences for young people, to educate people to be more confident, conscious, ecological, social and healthier.

FORO DE FORMACION Y EDICIONES is an organization located in Madrit, Spain.
Foro de Formación y Ediciones (Training and Editions Forum) was founded in 1998 with the aim to provide high quality services as one of their main activities. In 2000 they enlarged their field of activities and included the management of training activities and consulting projects. Its main objectives are to support organizations in developing and strengthening their human capital, improving professional skills providing quality services and business excellence, consulting in human resource management: education/research and needs detection. FFE has been engaged in an important technological development in educational environments. As a result, a training platform has been implemented, which is steadily being updated according to new technologies emerging on the market and to the legal requirements of different training plans. FFE has managed more than 500.000 students so far. The organisation has also conducted more than 5.000 courses, created one hundred platforms to be integrated into corporations, and developed hundreds of training materials with audio-visual support. As one of the highlighted principles of EU, we aim to implement green elements to each of our projects. We claim to design and also participate in projects which combines different activities directly connected to green practices. Therefore, our goals turn around a promotion of eco-friendly methods and practices, raising the notion about negative effects and consequences of some activities and suggesting new green alternatives, promoting the use of eco-friendly materials during the project activities and dissemination and boosting the motivation among European society to change their daily habits to reach the minimum negative impact of their activities over the planet.

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